Prescription Health

Prescription Health S1E3 | Pharmacogenomics in PACE

AnewHealth Season 1 Episode 3

This episode features an informative discussion on the impact of pharmacogenomics (PGx) in PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), led by a panel of innovative medical professionals. Listen in as our guests break down the different aspects of PGx; share how PGx is implemented and utilized within PACE programs; explain case studies and trends; and describe stories of how incorporating PGx into participant care has optimized medication regimens, improved outcomes and enhanced quality of life.


Episode Breakdown:

Intro: 00:00 – 00:31

Guest Introductions: 00:32 – 4:12

What is Pharmacogenomics (PGx): 04:13 – 06:30

PGx in PACE: 06:31 – 19:35

PGx Studies, Trends and Data: 19:36 – 26:26

Phenoconversion: 26:27 – 28:12

Utilization of PGx: 28:13 – 32:11

PGx Outside of PACE: 32:12 – 35:02

Success Stories: 35:03 – 38:01

Rapid Question Round: 38:02 – 43:43

Outro: 43:44 – End